10 Things You Didn't Know About Will Ferrell

8. His Bare Buns Were Deemed the "Real Star" Of Get Hard

There's nothing that's simultaneously funny and disgusting in quite the same way than an out-of-shape dude displaying his saggy butt. There's no hard answers for this. It's just science. And Will Ferrell has done it a lot. A whole lot. A whole lot more than any one man ever should. And is his advanced age, his butt stunts only seem to be amping up. His recent film Get Hard may not win any popularity contests or go down as an all-time classic, but it does boast one distinction: It's the longest time Ferrell's bare heinie has ever been displayed in a feature film. And honestly, that seems to be one of the movie's biggest selling points. €œI did full ass in Old School, but this is its longest appearance," he was quick to tell reporters. He also went into the finer details of applying make-up to his cheeks. Because this is what Will Ferrell does.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.