10 Things You Need To Know About Captain America: Civil War

7. Ant-Man Goes Giant

Iron Man Winter Soldier Versus
Marvel Comics

One of the biggest surprises when Marvel Studios officially announced the cast of Captain America: Civil War was the addition of Paul Rudd's Scott Lang/Ant-Man.

Based on comments from the actor during the recent Ant-Man press tour, he won't have a huge role, but it will be a memorable one. Looking at some recent rumours, that will be because Scott - now wearing a brand new Ant-Man costume rather than Hank Pym's old suit from the 1960s - is going to grow instead of shrink!

How he'll discover that Pym Particles can be used that way remains to be seen, but it's been said that he will grow to around 20 - 30ft tall during a battle against Iron Man's pro registration forces.

You have to believe that Marvel are already thinking about adding an Ant-Man sequel to Phase 3 (especially with tracking indicating that it will be a hit), so that hopefully means Ant-Man isn't going to go the same way as the Giant-Man who appeared in the Civil War comic book (he had a hole blown through his chest by Thor's clone, and was buried at his giant size).

If Captain America: Civil War is going to feature the death of a hero, it probably won't be one who starred in his first movie only six months earlier anyway.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.