10 Things You Need To Know About J.J. Abrams' Superman: Flyby

2. Kryptonian Kung-Fu Was Involved

The filmmaking world of the early noughties was a different one to now in many ways. Brett Ratner and McG were being considered for big properties. J.J. Abrams was, conversely, not a viable director. And everybody was still in thrall to the mega-successful Matrix, because the crummy sequels hadn't soured everyone. Which doesn't mean that Superman: Flyby was going to be in an way a deep, philosphical study of Clark Kent - perhaps about the nature of what it means to be an alien, the dynamics of power and the like - but that it would've ripped off all of the zero-gravity bullet-time fights. To wit: the bad guys that Superman was set to fight in the film (before they clambered in their surely unnecessary mech suits) came at him with something called €œKryptonian Kung-Fu€, which would've probably looked something like this. Only way more stupid. Better or worse than the last act of Man Of Steel?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/