10 Things You Need To Know About J.J. Abrams' Superman: Flyby

4. It Would've Been Directed By McG Or Brett Ratner

Not that J.J. Abrams can be blamed for all of Flyby's issues. At the time he wrote the script he was still toiling away as TV writer, yet to breakthrough with Lost, and instead showrunning the likes of Felicity and Alias. He was untested as a director, and so Warner Bros didn't want to trust him with this huge blockbuster franchise. So instead they went with some more proven successes. Which is a very different thing from actually talented directors you'd want to see direct a Superman film. Zack Snyder's Man Of Steel may not be perfect, buy you can bet it's better than Flyby by McG - the man who brought you the Charlie's Angels films - would've been. McG kept jumping on and off the project, and who was his replacement whenever he got cold feet? Why, none other than Brett Ratner, the total hack whose biggest hit is the Rush Hour films and also subbed for Bryan Singer on X-Men: The Last Stand, which temporarily killed that franchise.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/