10 Things You Need To Know About Kylo Ren

7. He€™s Got Big Plans (And An Even Bigger Weapon)

"Together, we will destroy The Resistance and the last Jedi" is one of the few things we€™ve heard Kylo Ren say, at this stage. This wasn€™t a line from a trailer or TV spot, though, but a snippet of dialogue granted to Kylo€™s official action figure. It gives us plenty of information to unpack. Despite not being a true Sith, Kylo is clearly aware of the Jedi. He€™s pretty keen on wiping them out, too, along with all the goody two shoes members of The Resistance (The Force Awakens€™ revamped version of the Rebel Alliance) that he can get his black-gloved hands on. To achieve this, Kylo Ren and his First Order chums have one heck of a weapon up their sleeves. Starkiller Base is its name, and it's been described as having even heftier destructive capabilities than the Death Star. Starkiller Base doesn€™t just destroy planets; it wipes out entire star systems. It sounds like a feat of biotech engineering, too €“ this powerful weapon/ginormous evil lair was built around an ice planet in the Unknown Regions of that galaxy far, far away. Exactly which star systems it€™ll be aimed at remains to be seen. We wouldn€™t go booking any holidays to Jakku or its nearby neighbours, though.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.