10 Things You Need To Know About Kylo Ren

6. He Built That Lightsaber Himself

The weapon that inspired endless fan discussion and a thousand Photoshop parodies, Kylo Ren€™s cross-guard lightsaber is already an iconic feature of the Star Wars universe. Kylo€™s duel against Finn €“ glimpsed in the trailers €“ is surely one of the most anticipated scenes of The Force Awakens. €œThe lightsaber is something that he built himself,€ J.J. Abrams told Entertainment Weekly recently, practically confirming the fan assumption that Kylo€™s ragged weapon of choice is homemade, personal, and utterly unique to Adam Driver's character. Abrams went on to describe the blade as being as €œdangerous and as fierce and as ragged as the character€ of Kylo Ren. When we finally get to see him wield it in battle, then, we€™re hoping to see a brutal fighting style unlike the nuanced elegance of previous Star Wars films. Indeed, one thing that the prequels invested a bit too heavily in was fancy backflip-friendly lightsaber duels that felt closer to ballet than brutality. Although this is just speculation on our part, it feels like Kylo Ren could well be the character to remedy that in Episode VII. Hopefully, his wielding of this €˜fierce€™ weapon will be a sight to behold.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.