10 Things You Need To Know About Kylo Ren

5. He€™s An Emotional Chap

The Force Awakens screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan €“ who returned to the Star Wars franchise after working on The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, and has now also penned the upcoming Han Solo origins movie €“ finds Kylo Ren to be a highly unique character within Lucasfilm€™s galaxy far, far away. €œI€™ve written four Star Wars movies now, and there€™s never been a character quite like the one that Adam plays,€ Kasdan told Entertainment Weekly, before elaborating on exactly what makes Kylo stand out from the crowd. €œHe€™s full of emotion,€ he explained. €œNo matter how we express ourselves in the world, whether we hide it and act very calm or whether we€™re very out there and demonstrative, everybody€™s roiling with emotion. And you want your characters to be that way, too. Then they have to deal with their emotions as best they can, with what they are.€ The official website of The Force Awakens supports Kasdan€™s claims, describing Kylo Ren as possessing €œa temper as fiery as his unconventional lightsaber.€ Whether or not he appears cool, calm and collected at the start of the movie, then, it€™s clear that Kylo Ren has a tempestuous side to his personality. The consequences of this should be interesting.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.