10 Things You Need To Know About Kylo Ren

4. He Has Ways Of Making You Talk

Also on the official databank site, Kylo Ren is listed as owning an Interrogator Droid. Apparently, The First Orders's prisoners €œare compelled to divulge their deepest secrets when subjected to the terrible Interrogator Droid under the command of Kylo Ren.€ This droid usage sounds like another way in which Kylo has been inspired by Darth Vader, then. Of course, Vader used a droid to interrogate his own daughter way back during A New Hope. Judging by the trailers, Kylo doesn€™t draw the line there. One tantalising shot from the promotional materials shows a black-gloved hand dangled in front of Oscar Isaac€™s character Poe Dameron, who€™s clearly in an awful lot of pain. It seems fairly safe to assume that this is Kylo Ren torturing Poe, possibly in an attempt to extract some Resistance secrets from the X-Wing pilot. Kylo has many ways of making you talk, then, both using Vader-esque droids and excruciating-looking Force-based methods of persuasion. Perhaps Poe will crack, or maybe Kylo will be forced to take even more drastic measures. Either way, this is a scene we can€™t wait to see. Could it become the scariest scene in Star Wars history? Only time will tell.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.