10 Things You Need To Know About Sony's Spider-Man Universe Plans

8. The Crossovers Will Begin In Morbius Later This Year

Spider-Man Venom
Sony Pictures

The entire plot of Morbius recently leaked online (you can find that by clicking here), but even before that happened, it was clear that Sony had plans to bring Spider-Man into the Living Vampire's world. In the first trailer, Michael Keaton reprised his role as Spider-Man: Homecoming villain Adrian Toomes, while graffiti branding the webbed warrior a "Murderer" could also be seen.

Sony Pictures certainly hasn't wasted any time in adding these references to the wall-crawler's world, and it feels a lot like Sony could be building to that Sinister Six movie they've been desperate to make a reality since 2014.

With Venom 2 recently wrapping shooting in the UK, common sense says that these Easter Eggs will factor into that adventure as well, especially as the next Spider-Man movie has been dated for Summer 2021. Whether they'll provide any real clues about what comes next is hard to say, but if nothing else, the ones we've heard about in Morbius have already confirmed that Peter Parker is now a wanted man in all the worlds he lives on...

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.