10 Times Actors Were PISSED OFF At Film Premieres

8. Robert Webb & Olivia Colman Were Misled About Their Nude Scenes - Confetti

Confetti Robert Webb Olivia Colman
Fox Searchlight

2006 rom-com mockumentary Confetti features supporting roles for Peep Show stars Robert Webb and Olivia Colman as a pair of nudists, and given that this was a micro-budget film, Webb and Colman simply performed their scenes in the buff for real.

However, the duo both maintain that they only agreed to play their roles in the nude after director Debbie Isitt assured them that their genitals would be pixelated in post-production.

Imagine their combined surprise when they attended the film's premiere, then, only to discover that not a single frame of their nudity had been digitally covered up.

Years later, Colman called working on the film "the worst experience of [her] life," adding that she felt it was a "betrayal," and that both she and Webb began legal action against the filmmakers before Webb convinced her that it wasn't helping them move past it.

2006 was a very different time, of course, and one can imagine that if any filmmaker tried to pull such a trick on an actor nowadays, the public furore would be decidedly more vocal.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.