10 Times Actors Were PISSED OFF At Film Premieres

7. Marlon Brando Stormed Out After The Audience Laughed At His Accent - Mutiny On The Bounty

Marlon Brando Mutiny On the Bounty

Marlon Brando is unquestionably one of the greatest actors who has ever lived, but accompanying his genius was a planet-sized ego which interfered with many of the movies he worked on.

Case in point, we have 1962's Mutiny on the Bounty, which Brando only agreed to star in over Lawrence of Arabia because he wanted to visit Tahiti.

During production he was noted for his commanding and difficult behaviour, which reportedly contributed to the departure of original director Carol Reed mid-shoot.

At the film's New York premiere, Brando showed up wearing a naval uniform, and shortly after the screening started, his ridiculous English accent was roundly laughed at by the audience, resulting in an infuriated Brando storming out in disgust.

Brando's work on the film remains an absurd curio today, and you can't really blame the audience for failing to take his hammier-than-ham performance seriously.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.