10 Times Adam Sandler Proved He Can Act

1. Uncut Gems

Punch Drunk Love

If it hasn’t been said already, the decision to snub Sandler at this year’s Academy Awards for his performance in the Safdie brothers’ painfully tense thriller is mind boggling. As fast talking gambling addict Howard Ratner, Sandler is mesmerising, infuriating in his dedication to self destructing, but ultimately somehow human and likeable. Instead, the award went to another rendition of Batman’s enemy.

No matter, as Sandler’s role and performance here is among his best yet, and thanks to its swift appearance on Netflix, he’s sure to get the credit he deserves. Howie has a knack for talking his way deeper and deeper into the murky depths, and Sandler uses his comedic gift for the gab to its fullest here. Like any problem gambler, his optimism is ultimately his downfall; the next bet, he feels, will be the one to wrench him free of the hole he’s single handedly dug. Sandler utterly dominates this film. He uses his superstar status to its fullest: seeing the leading man from Little Nicky pull off something this deft makes it all the more amazing.

Comedians getting serious often fare well in awards season, but the line is drawn at Sandler, it seems. Hopefully this time, he’ll keep up the momentum.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)