10 Times Adam Sandler Proved He Can Act

2. Punch-Drunk Love

Punch Drunk Love
Columbia Pictures

If Paul Thomas Anderson can’t get a tune out of you, then there’s not much hope. Teaming up with Sandler in 2002, America’s most exciting director raised a few eyebrows when casting the comedian in Punch-Drunk Love, but uses the actor’s comic chops as well as his media persona to the fullest in this singular film.

Sandler was at something of a nadir in 2002, and clearly has something to prove here. Interestingly he doesn’t do anything all that new in a dramatic setting, his performance as ramped up and loud as it would be in one of his comedies. He plays another of his rage consumed desperate men in Barry Egan - here, though, there’s nothing funny about it. His fits of anger are beyond his control, contributing to the thoroughly miserable life he finds himself stuck in. Punch-Drunk Love moves like a dream or a fairytale, and Sandler is fully committed to the character.

Anderson has spoken highly of Sandler, for whom the performance was a high water mark to this point, and has expressed desire to work with him again. With the auteur’s work only getting better, this would be something to get truly excited about.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)