10 Times An Actor Went On An Insane Streak Of Great Movies

8. Harrison Ford, 1980-1982

The Streak: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Blade Runner. Not as proficient technically as the other actors on show here - and with a shorter streak than all of them - Harrison Ford nevertheless earns his place on this list. In just two years he gave three huge star performances in three of the most iconic, influential films ever made, and if that doesn't constitute a great streak, then I don't know what does. Beginning with his second outing as Han Solo in the best Star Wars film, Ford went on to helm the greatest blockbuster ever made in Raiders of the Lost Ark - his turn as Indian Jones becoming an essential part of cinema history in the process - before then starring as Rick Deckard in Ridley Scott's acclaimed Blade Runner to mark his third role, in a row, as a now staple character of film folklore. The only way Ford could've bettered this was to have been James Bond at some point in the streak, and while that was never going to happen, it's testament to the actor's star power and charisma that you can't imagine anyone else in any of the roles.

No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?