10 Times Doctor Who Appeared In Movies

2. Bumblebee

Encanto Doctor Who TARDIS
Paramount Pictures

It wasn't a high bar to clear thanks to the lacklustre efforts of Michael Bay, Shia LaBeouf, and Mark Wahlberg, but the 2018 Bumblebee spinoff is easily the best Transformers movie ever made.

And because Doctor Who makes everything better, Bumblebee earns some extra brownie points for this blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference.

When lead characters Charlie and Memo enter Memo's bedroom midway through the film, we see that his walls are adorned with various pop-culture posters befitting of the movie's 1980s setting, like Indiana Jones and The Thing.

But when Memo sits on the bed beside Charlie, we see what is obviously the greatest poster of the lot: a fuzzy-haired Tom Baker, wearing that unmistakable multicoloured scarf. He isn't onscreen for very long and he's blurred out half the time, but it's definitely him.

Random note here, but in the 1977 serial Robots of Death, the Fourth Doctor quips "I'm rather fond of bumblebees." He obviously wasn't talking about Transformers, but it's a fun coincidence that he ended up appearing in a Bumblebee movie over 40 years later.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.