10 Times DVD Extras Lost Their Mind

8. Carrot Top Watches The Film (For The First Time) - Rules Of Attraction

All Good Things
Lions Gate Films

It's worth saying from the offset that comedian Carrot Top's feature commentary is not on the Rules of Attraction DVD because he was involved in the film's creation. It's not even because the film is the same type of comedy that he uses - because Carrot Top's prop-laden routine is a far cry from the film's self-purported pitch black blend of comedy and drama.

And this point, you may be very confused why Carrot Top gets commentary on this DVD at all. Does he have... some kind of insight into the film?

It's actually kind of the opposite.

You see, Carrot Top's commentary on the film... is recorded the very first time he watches the film. And so you're actually just watching the comedian react to the events that take place. It should in theory be dull, but the fact he gets super into the plot's many twists and turns actually makes it worth watching.

But there's absolutely no reason for it to have existed, and the total absence of logic in the DVD extra feature only makes it all the funnier.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.