10 Times DVD Extras Lost Their Mind

5. Some Graphic Novel Shorts - I Am Legend

All Good Things
Warner Bros.

I Am Legend is one of those films that, if someone told you it was out of a comic book, you'd entirely believe it. The action, setting and storytelling are all carried off with aplomb - and the deleted ending is the sort of shocking twist that any good comic series knows to throw in at least once.

Presumably, the creators of the film were very aware that they had adapted the book version of I Am Legend - which contains a badass but relatively mundane protagonist - into something far more of a graphic novel. We can presume this because the DVD version of the film comes with four animated comic shorts, which show the outbreak of the zombie-esque virus around the world.

It's a shame that these couldn't have been interspersed within the film itself, really, because the dimension and depth they add to the universe really is spectacular.

However, they do also support the idea that the "zombies" are just a strange, aggressive form of human evolution, as the book itself states. Unfortunately, because the ending of the film was changed, these shorts don't quite mesh with the story it tells - and more's the shame for it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.