10 Times Horror Movies Got Weapons Wrong

6. Barbed Wire Can't Cause Instant Dismemberment - Final Destination 2

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New Line Cinema

Who doesn't love a good dismemberment death in a horror film?

While the likes of Cube and Resident Evil have proven there need not be a direct correlation between realistic dismemberment and entertaining dismemberment, Final Destination 2 arguably took this relation to cartoonish levels with one of its climatic deaths.

Near the end of the film, an explosion is triggered which improbably catapults a barbed wire fence into the path of stoner Rory (Jonathan Cherry), quickly cutting off his arm before slicing the rest of his body into three parts.

It's a great death scene, for sure, but completely ridiculous: there's no physical way for thin barbed wire to travel with the force necessary at this speed to slice through the human body like butter.

That's not to say Rory wouldn't be injured, but the barbed wire would ultimately snap rather than effortlessly pass through his body.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.