10 Times Movie Sequels Abandoned Major Storylines

6. The Man In Black – Halloween: H20

Austin Powers 2 Vanessa
Dimension Films

Even though Halloween is directly responsible for popularising the slasher sub-genre, it wasn't long before fans tired of the formulaic series. I mean, how long can you drag out the "serial killer stabs people" premise?

So, when Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers was released, many assumed it would be more of the same. For the most part, that's exactly what we got.

However, the climax threw us quite a curveball. In the third act, it's revealed that the psychiatric hospital where Michael spent most of his life was overseen by an occultist, Terence Wynn. For years, Wynn used the dark arts to transform Michael into the mindless killing machine we all know.

This plot was loathed by viewers, primarily because it diluted Michael's legacy. Up until now, Michael was perceived as an unstoppable inhuman force. With this revised origin story, he had become a mere lackey for a far less interesting villain.

Because this idea was universally hated by critics and long-time fans of the franchise, Halloween H20 (and every instalment since) has swept this backstory under the rug, effectively retconning it out of existence.

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