10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

3. Extended Cuts To Pander Towards Zack Snyder Fans - Rebel Moon Part 1 and 2

Star Wars The Rise Of Skywalker Rey

Aside from slow-mo and hyper-stylised visuals, Zack Snyder has become infamous for many of his features relying on extended cuts to tell their complete stories. From three of his DC projects, to Sucker Punch and even Dawn of the Dead, it is clear the director’s ambition exceeds the running times he is made to work with.

However, this fixation on grandiose storytelling reached its logical extreme with the release of his newest work, Rebel Moon. Both parts of the would-be space opera have extended cuts on the horizon, supposedly with more violence, adult content, and lore. 

While some gnarly violence might add some gruesome flair to the action beats, there is nothing about Rebel Moon that suggests its parts needed longer runtimes, let alone four more sequels. This is a rare case where the undercooked story and characters might not benefit from added time due to their derivative nature, as well as Snyder’s own indulgent sensibilities.

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