10 Times Movies 'Did Right By The Fans' (And Pissed Everyone Off)

2. The Multiverse Hopping Cameos From Past DC Projects - The Flash

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The recently concluded DCEU could not catch a break, could it? Its big 2023 offering, the Flash, had a lot working against it. From its hectic production schedule to its lead’s problematic life beyond filming, the universe-hopping project also had to contend with an audience that was already tired of the concept of the multiverse.

Unfortunately, where Spider-Man: No Way Home and the Spider-Verse films succeeded, the Flash failed at every turn. It had grating leads, flat direction, a dull villain, and it did not hit the emotional highs the story potentially had. Worst of all was its third act, which proved to be a visual eyesore (unfinished CGI is not a stylistic choice worth highlighting) and more so its reliance on cameos from long-gone legends in the DC canon.

Seeing ghoulish digital doubles of Christopher Reeve and George Reeves in their iconic roles was frustrating and had no emotional or narrative bearing on Barry Allen’s journey or the wider story.

Unsurprisingly, fans were repulsed by these shameless forms of pandering, and it did not help that the ethics behind these cameos were questionable at best.

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