10 Times Movies Unexpectedly Spawned An Animated Series

2. The Real Ghostbusters

Godzilla the animated series
Sony Pictures Television

The Ghostbusters movies will forever be baked into pop culture - not just because they're great but because of the media that has expanded out from them.

A hit song, a number of video games, comic books, and two immensely successful cartoons. The most popular and nostalgic was The Real Ghostbusters, which was followed by the sequel series Extreme Ghostbusters in the late 1990s.

But back to The Real Ghostbusters, an animated series that lasted for four years and ran for 140 episodes. It also resulted in a crazy successful toy line from Kenner, which most 30 to 40-year-olds probably still have lying around the attic in one form or another. Yet, this all came from a 1984 movie about ghosts getting busted by a bunch of scientists.

Despite the success of the show, it went under numerous voice cast changes, various animation tweaks, and by season four was renamed Slimer! and the Real Ghostbusters as it became more lighthearted for the younger fans out there. In other words, it wasn't as good. All in all though, it's still a stone cold classic.


Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.