10 Times That Hollywood Misunderstood The Impact Of Big-Budget Movies

7. 3-D Isn't Always Needed To Enhance The Film

Deadpool Australia Day
20th Century Fox

After Avatar’s unprecedented success in 2009, studios everywhere realized that releasing their tentpoles in 3D was not an eccentric yet risky gimmick reserved for the likes of Spy Kids, but an extremely potent source of extra box office revenue.

Unfortunately, the rush to earn that quick buck has resulted in post-movie discomfort for some moviegoers (including yours truly) after they watch the latest Marvel movie in 3D. The number of movies released in 3D that are actually easy on the eyes are outnumbered by their murky counterparts, and their quality is nothing compared to films shot in 3D.

Furthermore, some people are simply not cut out for 3D due to a variety of physical conditions such as amblyopia and strabismus. Although these conditions are factors that studios obviously cannot control, they can mitigate the strain placed on viewers by ensuring that the movies they produce are visually comprehensible.

If these issues are not rectified or have their severity reduced then it is only a matter of time before 3D loses its appeal with audiences.


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