10 Times There Were Fistfights On Movie Sets

3. Wesley Snipes Vs. David Goyer

Any Given Sunday Pacino Foxx LL Cool J
New Line Cinema

The Blade movie trilogy has been greeted with differing amounts of critical acclaim over the years.

Whether you see the slick visuals and musical choices as brilliant or over-the-top, and if you choose to deny how the plotlines fall far into the realms of the ridiculous in the sequels, there is still a lot to enjoy in this film series.

Wesley Snipes plays the titular Daywalker who hunts down vampires, and, while he reprised the role in the two sequels, it was rumoured to be only for financial reasons - and some would say it shows.

David Goyer wrote the screenplay to the original film and directed the other two movies, but his relationship with his leading man had deteriorated so badly by the time they were shooting Blade: Trinity that they communicated only in writing.

Aside from notes saying that the other should quit, the situation boiled over when Snipes perceived a scene and costume choice to be racist, resulting in him attacking Goyer and attempting to throttle him.

According to others, Snipes was the cause of almost all the issues during the shoot on Blade: Trinity.

Verdict: Snipes by submission


Matthew is a Marine Engineer to trade who writes sub-standard Scottish crime fiction in his spare time that can be found here:- https://mmacleodwriting.uk/ Originally brought up in the Western Isles of Scotland, he lived in Edinburgh for 18 years but now stay in Aberdeenshire with his partner, sons and dog.