10 Times You Wanted Things From Movies (THAT DIDN'T ACTUALLY EXIST)

1. Lightsabers (Star Wars)

Avengers Ice Cream
20th Century Studios

Now sure, if you reeeeeeally find yourself desperately needing to scratch that itch of fighting off waves of stormtroopers with the sacred weapon of the Jedi and Sith, then you obviously can acquire a variety of still rather awesome replica lightsabers for your daily dose of swooshing.

But when it comes to the genuine article, there isn't a Force-sensitive supporter walking this earth today who hasn't found themselves wishing at one point or another that they could legitimately live out that long-time fantasy of wielding an actual laser sword.

Many have tried their damnedest to replicate the ancient ways of those awe-inspiring space wizards in our galaxy, with Hacksmith Industries even managing to create a proto-saber capable of cutting through objects - though this bad boy still couldn't parry a blaster shot or block an incoming lightsaber swing, sadly.

And while some of the simply gorgeous replicas out there are still the stuff of Star Wars dreams for many, we still unfortunately live in a Kyber-crystal-less galaxy and will likely never be able to settle our issues like the little green legends and Chosen Ones found slashing their way through the Clone Wars and beyond.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...