10 Times James Bond Was A Complete And Utter B*stard

2. Post-Mortem Puns - Every Bond Movie

Bond is a man who loves a good cringey pun and they've become a series staple. He reached a personal low with €œI thought Christmas only came once a year€ from The World Is Not Enough and even that line has lots of competition.

His puns usually come about after he€™s killed someone and, depending on your opinion, they're used to either lighten the mood for the audience, or as a personal defence mechanism to suppress the horror he feels at taking so many lives. No matter how ruthless or painful the death he always has a quip ready.

A few examples: Electrocuting a man? €œShocking€ Dropping a gunman into a snow blower, causing his blood to be sprayed everywhere? €œHe had lots of guts€ Force feeding a villain a pellet that causes him to swell up and explode. €œHe always did have an inflated opinion of himself.€

And so on. The movies have toned down the cringey one-liners in recent years but they€™re as much a part of him as his Walter PPK or the Aston Martin. While there is something loveable about how bad his gags are, it again displays his inner jerk that he needs to make one directly after murdering somebody.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.