10 Totally Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Everybody Wants Anyway

2. Zombieland

Zombieland, for all intents and purposes, achieved exactly what it set out to achieve: as a result, it is the second greatest zombie-based comedy movie ever made (after Shaun of the Dead, of course). And given its generally carefree and freewheeling nature, insanely likeable characters, and intricate universe (racked with potential), it's exactly the kind of movie deserving of a sequel - one that, no matter how it turns out, couldn't really do any damage to the original. Remember that awful Amazon TV version? No? Exactly. It was so bad that people just erased it from their memories. Of course, a sequel to Zombieland is - generally speaking - unnecessary. Nobody is "dying" to see a follow-up, but - should it ever find its way into production - you can be sure as heck that nearly everyone on the planet would be interested in checking it out. Would it be great if Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Woody Harrelson all came back? Absolutely. But the franchise could easily hone in on just one or two of those characters - or maybe none! Likelihood? Entirely possible, but the odds do seem to grow slimmer and slimmer with every passing year.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.