10 Totally Unnecessary Movie Sequels That Everybody Wants Anyway

9. Indiana Jones 5

Okay, so everybody agrees that the last installment in the Indiana Jones series left a lot to be desired; the plot was muddled, the secondary characters were insufferable, Indy was poised as something akin to a sidekick in his own movie, and... well, there were aliens, which just cannot be made right, no matter how hard you try to rationalise it. That said, do Indy fans really never want to see their favourite archaeologist back on the saddle for another go around? Granted, Harrison Ford is even older now and it's going to look even more laughable than it did last time when he gets into a fistfight, but c'mon - could a fifth Indy movie turn out any worse than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull did? As long as they got rid of Mutt Williams, separated Indy from the cast of bumbling characters that followed him around for the sum of the fourth flick, and chances are that - on that basis alone - Indy 5 would provide a more enjoyable and relatable experience for fans. Heck, would it be that bad if they just retconned Indy 4 out of the franchise? A necessary movie? No. Would it be a bad thing if it got made, though? Totally not. Likelihood? Probable. Spielberg has said he's interest, whilst there's also been talk of rebooting the franchise with the likes of Chris Pratt. Which could actually be quite cool.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.