10 Totally WTF Horror Movie Twists

2. 1408

1408 is a pretty underrated horror flick in general, and its final scene is especially noteworthy, a chilling moment that will really stick with you long after the credits roll. In this adaptation of the Stephen King short story, a man named Mike visits a supposedly haunted hotel room, and after checking in, he experiences all these weird supernatural events. He tries to leave but is unable to, and the entire rest of the movie takes place in 1408. After a while, it seems clear that what Mike sees isn't necessarily real, as in one moment when he ends up inside a painting on the wall. In another sequence, Mike's deceased daughter appears to him, which is clearly some sort of hallucination. Mike is able to escape and go back home, and in the last few minutes he and his wife are unpacking in their new place. Mike has been able to move on, assuming everything that happened was in his head, but then he finds his tape recorder and plays it, only to hear his conversation with his daughter. Suddenly, we realize that every single thing that occurred was completely real. It's one of the only movies where the twist is that events did happen and were not a dream, and that somehow manages to be incredibly shocking and nightmare inducing.
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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.