10 Totally WTF Horror Movie Twists

9. Saw II

After a mind-blowing resolution in the original Saw, every subsequent sequel attempted to top the previous entry with an even more shocking conclusion, but the finale of Saw II is still the most unexpected in the series. In the film, police officer Eric tracks down Jigsaw, who is surrounded by monitors showing footage of eight people he kidnapped. They€™re working their way through a series of traps, and among them is Eric€™s son, Daniel. Jigsaw assures Eric he€™ll get his son back if he stays put while the games progress. In the third act, a SWAT team makes their way to the house to rescue Jigsaw's victims, but it's completely empty. That's because the monitors haven't been showing a live feed. It€™s been prerecorded footage the entire time, meaning all of these people died hours earlier and it was too late to save them from the beginning. It gets worse, because Daniel was in the room with Eric all along, and so if he had been patient with Jigsaw, he would have gotten his son back as promised. This ending was so cool that it inspired Lost creator Damon Lindelof to come up with his famous €œWe have to go back, Kate€ scene. That€™s right, you can thank Saw II for one of the most iconic television moments of all time.
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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.