10 Truly Awful Movies That Made Obscene Amounts Of Money

9. Norbit (2007)

Budget: $60m Total Box Office: $159.3m US Home Video Sales: $45.3m If you hadn't grown tired of watching Eddie Murphy play multiple characters in Coming To America, Vampire In Brooklyn, two Nutty Professor movies and Bowfinger, then Norbit would surely have done it. It sums up Murphy's recent career that this horrible excuse for a comedy was released just weeks after Dreamgirls, a career-best performance which ultimately saw the actor win a Golden Globe and pick up an Academy Award nomination. Speaking of Academy Award nominations, Norbit has one. No really, it does. The admittedly-impressive prosthetics saw the movie pick up a nod for Best Makeup, but it was The Razzies where Norbit really shone. Nominated for eight trophies, the movie landed three; with Murphy being awarded Worst Actor, Worst Supporting Actor and Worst Supporting Actress for his roles as a loveable nerd, an obese woman and an old Chinese man. It was painful to see one of the biggest stars of the 1980s reduced to delivering lowbrow humor and racial stereotypes underneath a mountain of makeup. Even for the guy that starred in Pluto Nash, this was a new low. Unbelievably, despite the vitriolic critical reaction Norbit became the actor's latest vehicle to open at the top of the US box office and it took $34.2m over its first three days. It also held remarkably well for such a horrible movie, and closed with a domestic total of $95.7m. Even more incredibly, despite its reputation as one of the worst movies of the year it shifted over 2.5m units on home video in the US, taking the movie's revenue past $200m. Say what you want about the quality of his recent comedic output, but Eddie Murphy sure has a dedicated fanbase.

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