10 Truly Awful Movies That Made Obscene Amounts Of Money

8. The Devil Inside (2012)

Budget: $1m Total Box Office: $101.4m US Home Video Sales: $3.7m The most profitable movie on this list by quite some distance, The Devil Inside made over one hundred times its production budget during a brief run in theaters, which is an impressive feat. However, equally impressive is how quickly the movie disappeared from cinema screens once everybody realized it was nothing short of awful. Found footage horror is one of the easiest ways to make money in the movie business; the audience is always there, you just need to have an effective marketing campaign that puts butts in seats during the opening weekend. This is why horror movies tend to open strong before fading out in the space of a few weeks. The Devil Inside faded especially quickly once people realized that not only was it incredibly dull and not scary, but featured one of the worst endings ever. Not just in the horror genre, but in the history of cinema. The movie opened to an impressive $33.7m domestically, which is one of the best debuts ever for a movie released in January. However, by the time word had gotten round that it sucked, the second weekend total was down by over 75% and by the third weekend it was completely gone from the top ten. Despite word of mouth ruining chances of a decent shelf life, The Devil Inside still managed to shift over 130,000 copies on home video in the US. I doubt the filmmakers really cared about the negative reception to the movie, not when they're earning $100 for every dollar they spent on making it.

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