10 Truly Insane Movie Sequels That Are In The Works

8. A "Martial Arts, Horror, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk" 47 Ronin Sequel

middle aged face off

Remember 47 Ronin? Though the Keanu Reeves-starring $225 million fantasy actioner was one of the most colossal box office bombs in Hollywood history, a quasi-sequel is inexplicably in development for distribution by Netflix.

Last Summer, it was confirmed that prolific martial arts performer Ron Yuan - who previously directed the Chinese Step Up spin-off Step Up China - will direct a sequel set 300 years in the future, which will combine the disparate genres of martial arts, horror, action, and science fiction cyberpunk.

Weirder still, the film will be co-written by actress Aimee Garcia and former WWE superstar AJ "AJ Lee" Mendez, neither of whom have any prior screenwriting credits to their name.

Given that the original film ended in such closed-off fashion without any clear setup for a sequel, it's safe to assume this is using the 47 Ronin "brand" - which, apparently, means something to someone - to try and elevate its station. Essentially, it'll be a sequel in name only.

Given that the film is being produced by Universal 1440 Entertainment, which has delivered straight-to-video knock-off sequels in the Scorpion King, Death Race, Doom, and American Pie franchises, there's virtually no hope of this being anything but a low-budget trainwreck cash-in.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.