10 Truly Insane Movie Sequels That Are In The Works

7. A New Predator Sequel Set During The American Civil War - Skulls

middle aged face off

Despite the most recent Predator film, The Predator, bombing with critics and fans alike a mere three years ago, a fifth Predator film was confirmed to be in the works in late 2020.

Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane) has been tapped to direct Skulls, which will be set during the American Civil War and follow a Comanche woman, Kee, who encounters a Predator. Rising actress Amber Midthunder was recently cast to play Kee.

The script has been written by TV writer Patrick Aison (Wayward Pines, Jack Ryan, Treadstone), and it's clear from what little we know that Skulls is going to be quite unlike anything the Predator series has delivered before.

With its 19th century setting and what will presumably be a considerably lower budget than Shane Black's blockbuster-scale predecessor, Skulls feels like a more modest attempt to bring the IP back down to Earth.

Given that Trachtenberg confirmed the film was originally supposed to be marketed without any references to Predator at all, it's rather likely the Predator's role is smaller than in prior movies, perhaps not dissimilar to the presence of aliens in Trachtenberg's own debut, 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Whatever the outcome, it at least sounds like something intriguingly stripped-down. It can't be worse than the last movie, surely, which it will hopefully ignore entirely.

Skulls is set to begin shooting imminently ahead of a probable 2022 release.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.