10 Truly Unique Sci-Fi Movie Fight Scenes

5. Max Vs Furiosa - Mad Max Fury Road

Mad Max Furiosa
Warner Bros. Pictures

George Miller's glorious return to his post-apocalyptic franchise was met with critical and audience acclaim - and with good reason, as this 2015 effort is one of action cinema's most impressive entries. It has a fully realised world built off of the older films' world-building efforts, striking visual style, and inspired performances from a game cast.

These positives are all in service of the film's action, which is both grand and brutal and greatly benefits from well-employed CGI work. In many ways, the whole film could be counted as one grand action sequence due to its breathtaking pace, but the fight between Max and Furiosa deserves special mention for its bare-bones approach.

It may not be as flashy as some of the sequences on this list or in the movie itself, but it's hard-hitting, and places its combatants in unique handicaps (Max being chained to War Dog Nux and Furiosa lacking an arm), ensuring the fight is clearly challenging in every sentence for its combatants.

Special mention goes out to editor Margaret Siel, who ensures that the fight is easy to follow and serves the characters and story well.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.