10 Truly Unique Sci-Fi Movie Fight Scenes

4. Gun Fu-Equilibrium

Mad Max Furiosa

This Kurt Wimmer-directed film is largely considered to be part of a group of early 2000s films that tried to cash in on the Matrix's impact and copied its aesthetic to wildly varying degrees of success.

Equilibrium is one of the more successful copycats of this era, with its gun kata fighting style proving to be its saving grace given its more derivative and/or poorly explored dystopian themes.

The final fight scene is a wonder to behold, as John Preston (Christian Bale) and Vice Counsel DuPont (Angus Macfadyen) clash in an attempt to change the course of the totalitarian society that serves as the movie's setting.

The scene is a bit dated in its overall feel due to the gun kata's seeming impracticality, but serves the film's intention of showing the fighters as precise and lethal killers, as well as showing how the gun is an extension of their body.

The stakes are also undeniably high, given that the outcome of the fight will influence the society's socio-political structure.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.