10 Truly Unique Sci-Fi Movie Fight Scenes

3. T-800 Vs. T-1000 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Mad Max Furiosa
TriStar Pictures

James Cameron's follow up his 1984 classic is rightfully hailed as one of the genre's classics, and revolutionised science fiction filmmaking in many regards. It fleshes out the world set in the first film in an organic manner, and develops its characters to match the world's expansion, giving depth to the likes of Sarah Connor and the T-800.

The final fight between the T-800 and the T-1000 is a classic example of impressive (but relatively outdated) technology going up against even more cutting edge technology, in a fight that well and truly places the fate of the world in the balance.

The fight choreography is fairly straightforward, but appropriately brutal as Cameron does not hold back in showing the Terminators getting mangled in all sorts of ways - a decision that really sells the resilience of the cyborg assassins.

Finally, the fight sets the stage for one of the heartbreaking deaths in the franchise and science fiction in general, as quite a few viewers got emotional over the end of this incarnation of the T-800.


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