10 Truly Unique Sci-Fi Movie Fight Scenes

2. Corridor Fight-Inception

Mad Max Furiosa
Warner Bros.

Christopher Nolan's mind-bending exploration of the nature of dreams (and heists) features a strong blend of mostly inventive storytelling and impressive set-pieces anchored by one of Nolan's more emotionally satisfying narrative hooks.

Its action is relatively grounded given the surreal potential of dreams but it works due to Nolan's penchant for practical effects in his large scale scenes.

That said, the height of the film's action can be seen in the fight scene between Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and one of Robert's (Cillian Murphy) ''projections'' in a rotating corridor that raises the bar for practical effects in blockbuster movies.

Nolan and editor Lee Smith deftly weave the scene into the overall narrative of the dream levels, showing how each level's shift in movement affects each other, leading to the corridor's gravity being affected and the combatants having to literally fight each other all over the place. It also works due to the fight choreography being relatively simple, so as to give the corridor's movement extra focus.


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