10 Unbelievable Movie Cameos You Probably Missed

3. Danny Glover - Maverick

Danny Glover Maverick
Warner Bros.

Like many of the more recent decisions of Mel Gibson's career, Maverick was pretty much a mess. Its comedy was laboured, its Western element too twee, and it just wasn't as entertaining as it clearly imagined, even with Richard Donner at the helm.

But, largely thanks to the director's presence, it did include a classic cameo from another Lethal Weapon alumni, in the shape of Danny Glover, who pops up to rob a bank and Gibson.

Rather pleasantly, the Danny Glover cameo comes with its own easter egg references to Lethal Weapon, playing on the established relationship between Glover and Gibson for one humorous moment, when a glimmer of recognition flickers across the faces of both men, and we hear a musical cue from Lethal Weapon, before the actors shake it off.

And just in case we missed it, Glover also mutters his most famous line as he exits stage left.

It's probably the best moment of the entire affair.

Incidentally, washed up 80s star Corey Feldman also played a bank robber in the film, uncredited. Though perhaps you get the feeling that at that stage, it was probably the only work that was coming his way.

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