10 Unbelievable Movie Cameos You Probably Missed

1. Tim Burton - Hoffa

Hoffa Tim Burton
20th Century Fox

Few would be surprised to learn that Tim Burton has a morbid fascination with death. A cursory glance at his work and particularly his character designs from throughout his catalogue of films would convince, thanks to the presence of Jack Skellington, Beetlejuice, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd and the cast of Dark Shadows.

There's just something about the next world that the idiosyncratic director cannot resist, and he proved as much when he took on a cameo role for Batman Returns star Danny DeVito's third directorial effort, Hoffa, which came out the same year as Returns. Somewhat appropriately, the Batman director appeared in a firmly non-speaking role, as a corpse, which led to the following prank pulled by the diminutive star who started this whole list off...

And finally onto another hilarious honourable mention...

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