10 Under-The-Radar Films You Have To See In 2016

9. High-Rise

Firmly crossing into American Psycho and A Clockwork Orange territory is Ben Wheatley's interpretation of JG Ballard's 1970's novel, High-Rise. On the back of minor triumph Kill List and a couple of recent Doctor Who outings, Wheatley steps up his game with a deliciously brutal, yet polished entry into the big league with the help of a currently shit-hot Tom Hiddleston along with Jeremy Irons and Sienna Miller. In front of a dystopian back drop, the film is set in a high-rise apartment building where the lower-class dwell on the lower floors and the higher classes at the top - in between, a host of amenities such as a hospital, supermarket and school. After a series on power outages and minor squabbles, the building descends into carnage resulting in the conditions perfectly acclimatised to that of a twisted social experiment. With Ben Wheatley's slow burning career about to pick up speed and a trailer Stanley Kubrick would be proud of, High-Rise guarantees to be decadent in its style and a powerhouse of performances, if addition to being a considerably important milestone on a path in the right direction for Wheatley. High-Rise comes out in the UK on March 18th and in the US on April 28th (Internet release).

KJ Lewis is 35 years old, was able to rear three small children into three slightly bigger children and has a relatively untested and unfounded passion for writing. You can find him at Twitter: @onefistintheair or Facebook: KJ Lewis