10 Under-The-Radar Films You Have To See In 2016

8. Anomalisa

Many things pale in comparison to the beauty of a well made stop-motion film and Anomalisa is by all accounts up there with the very best ever made. The genre may conventionally be reserved for children's stories, but Anomalisa, marching to the beat of Charlie Kaufman, is so painstakingly made that - despite such a limited release - even the Oscars couldn't keep away. Michael Stone, voiced by David Thewlis, is a depressed Author who plods through a mundane existence with little to no feeling or emotion. Whilst on a business trip he meets Lisa, voiced by Jennifer Jason Leigh, who changes everything and represents a miracle cure for his inability to interact with people. Two things are worthy of a mention here: Firstly, a shout-out to actor and musician Tom Noonan who, besides the two main characters, voices every single other character in the film, male and female. Secondly, brace yourself for your first stop-motion animation sex scene - if that's your kind of thing, of course. Anomalisa was released in the US in January and comes out in the UK on March 11th.

KJ Lewis is 35 years old, was able to rear three small children into three slightly bigger children and has a relatively untested and unfounded passion for writing. You can find him at Twitter: @onefistintheair or Facebook: KJ Lewis