10 Under-The-Radar Films You Have To See In 2016

7. Hello, My Name Is Doris

Tonally, this is a bit of a swerve-ball entry. If you judge by the trailer alone, you could be lured into thinking that this is nothing more than a throw-away comedy and an excuse to give Sally Field a vehicle back into cinemas as a leading lady. There's much more to it than that though - Hello, My Name Is Doris has been delighting audiences at film festivals for the past year and has been labelled a quaint comedy with poignant undertones. Doris is an office worker in her sixties and, after finding inspiration at a self-help seminar, decides to go after a much younger love interest and co-worker in the form of a twenty-something hunk, played by Max Greenfield. If audiences really, really like this as much as festival attendees, this R-Rated flick could be the film that gives Sally Field a new lease of life. Hello, My Name is Doris hits US theatres on March 11th and the UK release date is to be confirmed.

KJ Lewis is 35 years old, was able to rear three small children into three slightly bigger children and has a relatively untested and unfounded passion for writing. You can find him at Twitter: @onefistintheair or Facebook: KJ Lewis