10 Underdogs We're Rooting For At The Oscars

3. Inside Llewyn Davis (Best Sound Mixing)

Due to many Academy voters not knowing the difference between Sound Editing (the creation of the original sound) and Sound Mixing (combining it with the dialogue, score etc), the same movie often ends up winning both awards, and it's likely that the same thing is going to happen this year, given how sublime an aural package Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity truly is. Though the Coen Brothers' Inside Llewyn Davis was shut out of the Oscars almost entirely (its only other nomination being for cinematography), it was smartly nominated for Best Sound Mixing. Given that the movie is centered largely around music, and much of the film's success relies on how the music is incorporated into the narrative and presented to the viewer, it should definitely be near the top of the list for voters. Yes, the award tends to go to action-orientated films, so even if Gravity loses out, Davis will struggle to fend off Captain Phillips and Lone Survivor, and the lack of a Best Original Song nomination also works against it (though apparently it did not qualify due to "not being original enough"), but it's not totally outside the realm of possibility either.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.