10 Underrated Action Movies That Didn't Deserve To Bomb At The Box Office

6. Shoot Em' Up

Last Action Hero Arnold Schwarzenegger
New Line Cinema

Another unsung action movie that more than lived up to the expectations set by the title, Shoot Em' Up bulldozed onto screens back in 2007 and positively reveled in being the most deranged, ludicrous, preposterous and batsh*t insane movie that the genre had seen in a long time.

It was like catnip for action fans, moving from one shootout to the next without even stopping to catch a breath, throwing carrots and babies into the mix as the centerpieces for violent shenanigans because why the hell not. The stoic Clive Owen was an inspired choice to play a leather jacket-clad unstoppable killing machine, and his reserved personality is the ideal complement to Paul Giamatti's attempts to devour as much scenery as humanly possible.

Now firmly established as a cult classic, Shoot Em' Up didn't fare so well in theaters despite most critics seeming to be on board with the tongue-in-cheek gratuity of the entire exercise, with the $39m movie failing to even earn back its budget at the box office before finding a second life on home video.


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