10 Underrated Horror Film Sequels That Deserve Another Chance This Halloween

9. Jason X

With a series that spans over ten instalments, you can probably imagine that fans of the Friday the 13th franchise are divisive when it comes to choosing their favourite entries. However, even then, just about everyone agrees that Jason X - aka the "we're so creatively bankrupt that we're just going to throw our title character into space and see what happens" movie - is one of the worst examples of the whole series. But those critics are wrong. While it has its problems, Jason X is one of the few "... In Space" films that actually makes the most of its ridiculous setting. With a sci-fi-enhanced villain and a plethora of imaginative futuristic kills, this often-maligned flick actually boasts some of the most memorable set-pieces in the entire franchise. And let's face it, the Friday the 13th series had more or less become a parody of itself by the time this movie rolled into production, so for Jason X to drop the pretence and embrace what the series had become was the best move this ageing franchise could have made at the time.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3