10 Underrated Movies With Star Trek Actors

9. Crimson Peak - Doug Jones

The Finest Hours Chris Pine
Universal Pictures

Like Andy Serkis and mo-cap performances, Doug Jones's career has been defined by playing otherworldly creatures under layers of makeup and prosthetics. The English actor has skillfully employed his contortionist skills to infuse these characters with an appropriately unnatural physical presence and unexpectedly relatable humanity.

His role on CBS' Star Trek: Discovery as Captain Saru is a seminal example of Jones' uniquely designed and written roles. The Kelpien captain is a fan favourite on the show and this is due to his winning persona and Jones' excellent performance.

The thespian lent his talents to the Guillermo del Toro-directed Crimson Peak in 2015. The gothic horror was visually lush (as with most efforts from the auteur) but lacked a compelling plot and featured wafer-thin characters.

Despite these shortcomings, some of the scares were effectively chilling, in no small part due to Jones' role as the Crimson Phantoms. His role was small but effective due to excellent direction from del Toro, suitably gruesome prosthetics, and Jones' own incredible body control and movements.

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