10 Underrated Movies With Star Trek Actors

7. Atlantis: The Lost Kingdom - Leonard Nimoy

The Finest Hours Chris Pine

Leonard Nimoy's Spock is one of sci-fi cinema's most iconic characters. with the Vulcan-human officer's deadpan charm winning over audiences and establishing himself in genre pop-culture as one of its greats.

Nimoy was instrumental in realizing Spock and fleshing him out, always ensuring that the character's progression was true to its roots and the creators' ideals. The role also gave Nimoy to star in varied projects over the years, and one of his most underrated was that of Kashekim Nedakh in Atlantis: The Lost Kingdom.

The Disney animated effort was initially chided for its departure from standard in-house tropes but later received a cult following due to its unique visual style, performances, and themes. Its thematic novelty ensured that its cast benefitted from working with interesting material, and Nimoy was no exception.

The veteran actor imbued the flawed Atlantean monarch with an excellent blend of vulnerability and arrogance that acts as a perfect summary of the film's complex themes.

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