10 Underrated Movies With Star Trek Actors

6. Ali - LeVar Burton


Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge was once touted as the ''new Spock'' in the lead-up to the premiere of Star Trek: The Next Generation and with good reason. The character was wonderfully inhabited by the great LeVar Burton and the actor portrayed the role for seven seasons and four films.

Already a well-known actor before Star Trek, Burton had memorable appearances in Roots, Murder She Wrote, and The Supernaturals. In addition to this, he starred in a cameo role as Martin Luther King Jr. in the 2001 biopic, Ali.

The film received good but not superlative critical notices upon its release but has since received admiration as an imperfect but effective sports biopic. This is thanks in no small part to Will Smith's towering performance as the titular icon, and the formidable supporting cast consisting of heavy hitters such as Jon Voight, Jamie Foxx, and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Burton is on screen for a fleeting moment, as MLK and other notable figures in Ali's life and in the era are in the backdrop, fleshing out the world that Ali inhabited and often went toe-to-toe with.

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David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.