10 More Underrated Sci-Fi Films You Need To Love

6. Gattaca

Gattaca is a true science fiction film, which relies on its drama and characters instead of action to tell a story (you know, real science fiction). Unsurprisingly despite it being critically acclaimed it gets passed over quite a bit. The movie's premise is a bit melodramatic; in the future your future is decided from birth by your chemical make-up. Sounds intriguing, but the way your make-up can be determined is by taking one hair follicle. From one strand the world can tell exactly when you will die and how likely you are to commit violence and a bunch of other ludicrous nonsense a piece of hair could never determine. The story's protagonist is the genetically flawed Vincent Freeman who dreams of becoming an astronaut despite his heart having a 99% chance of failure. He switches identities with a genetically perfect man, Jerome Morrow, to pursue his dream despite what he's doing being highly illegal. The film is beautifully shot, written, and acted. If you are a fan of more dramatic science fiction or just character driven narratives and are tired of high concept action films carrying the day, give Gattaca a try.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation